Death certificate of Charles Blancher Thompson, 1895.


Death certificate of Charles Blancher Thompson, 1895.

Death certificate issued by the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for Charles Blancher Thompson. Thompson was a convert to the Mormon Church who left that faith to start his own religion known as the Jehovah's Presbytery of Zion. The exact date of his death was unknown, but this death certificate establishes that he died on 27 Feb. 1895. This copy of the death certificate was issued in 1993. Also included is a photocopy of pages of a book outlining Thompson's career.

2 items (3 pages).


SNAC Resource ID: 6728597

Related Entities

There are 2 Entities related to this resource.

Thompson, Charles Blancher, 1814-1895 (person)

Jehovah's Presbytery of Zion. (corporateBody)